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Thanks for checking out the Nik Hawks Show, where my general mandate is to follow the pursuit of excellence. 

My background is in business, adventure, the military, athletic challenges, and working with world class athletes.

Those are all starting points for my guests, though not always.  I've talked to cryptographers, sleep scientists, authors, reporters, climbers, and adventurers.

All of them have useful insight for YOU, which is the reason I make the show public.  

Whether we're talking about cryptocurrency or rowing a boat across the Atlantic, my idea was to share the conversations I was having with radical people.  Lately I've been adding in my own thoughts in separate Nik-i-sodes.


I started this podcast in 2014, but it wasn't called The Nik Hawks Show. My wife Lee and I own the company Paleo Treats, so I called the show the Paleo Treats Podcast.

Over the course of 50+ episodes it became apparent that the podcast didn’t really have anything to do with Paleo. Sometime around episode 58, based on feedback from listeners and iTunes reviews, I decided to change the name to reflect what I was actually talking about.

That should catch you up to speed for now.  

To read more, find the latest episodes and news along with a way to support this show, please visit my site

Thanks for listening!

Nik Hawks

May 27, 2019

What does it take to shoot a pistol faster than pretty much anyone else in the world? Mastery over awareness and attention. Whether you're a pistol wizard or a paraglider pilot, this show goes deep into how to improve at anything you do.
Brian Enos is a well known pistol shooter who quit competing after 20 years of winning at all levels. He built a website with one of the most trafficked forums on the web for competitive pistol shooters and ran that for 17 years, then stopped cold turkey to focus solely on his own ability to pay attention to the moment and be aware and connected.
This is a rad dive into what it's like to truly pay attention. Enjoy!